Using Numerology to Develop Intuition

As a second generation numerologist, I can tell you numerology is a great tool to work with to develop your intuition. I’ve been fortunate enough to have had the art and science of numerology passed down to me by my mum, herself a gifted numerologist who lived and breathed the science of numbers. Unless mathematics is your thing, even just reading the word ‘numbers’ can make you either shudder or give a bored yawn…but here’s the kicker.

The whole Universe runs on numbers, numbers are vibrations or frequencies and absolutely everything vibrates to a particular frequency or energy.  We are all energy and we all vibrate at a particular rate. Not so boring now right?

You may have heard about like attracting like, what exactly does that mean? Like attracts like simply means that you attract people, things and situations to you that are on the same level of vibration or frequency as yourself, this is the law of physics. 

Depending on where you are in your life and what is playing out for you, this can either sound fabulous and exciting or pretty scary. Either way, I’m here to tell you this is a brilliant thing. Why would I say that? Well, rates of vibration can be changed, they are not set in stone. Yes it does take some understanding and work if you are not where you would like to be right now…but the exciting thing is that you have the ability to make that different. 

Knowing about your own numerology blueprint, your own vibration can help you make that big leap forward in understanding who you are and how you can connect with your purpose in life.

I truly believe that nothing in this life happens by accident. Your name is no accident. Your date of birth is no accident. What and how do these important pieces influence your path and your destiny?

Your passage in this lifetime is encoded on your soul with your date of birth and your name given to you at birth holding the keys to your purpose here, along with your opportunities, challenges, major life changes and the experiences you are to have while you are here on this journey.

With clarity comes confidence and certainty, with knowledge and understanding comes insight. Gaining insight into your own personal journey is life changing, not just your life but the lives of all those around you as well. We all make an impact on our worlds and the people around us, that impact ripples outward and effects everybody we have in our lives.

What may not seem so obvious about numerology is just what a brilliant tool it is for helping you develop your own intuition, your own knowing. I have worked with many clients over the course of a few decades and I have seen this happen time and again. 

Your story is written clearly in the numbers, all you need is some help in decoding this story.

1 thought on “Using Numerology to Develop Intuition”

  1. Pingback: Road trip for the soul | Fiona Lee

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