Moving to the city in my 50s

So I’ve made the decision to move…drumroll please…I’m moving to one of the ‘big’ cities in Oz…in my 50s, a huge decision from several logical standpoints. The main ones are: I’m in my 50s, used to living beachside on the coast, single, the only people I know in that city are my adult children, changing jobs….and I really don’t know which suburb I would like to live in. And now I take a bow 🙂

But I can honestly say I haven’t had one shred of doubt, cold feet or fear after making my decision, it feels right in every cell of my body. My friends don’t feel quite the same way and keep telling me I’ll be back, they don’t believe I’ll last the distance of non-coastal life. I know I will.

Everybody I tell and I do mean EVERYBODY tells me it’s supposed to happen the other way around, that as we grow older we leave the city and head to the coast or the country. Look, I feel as if I have so far lived my life in the opposite way to what I’m ‘supposed’ to. I haven’t done that on purpose for that reason, it’s just kind of worked out that way and that doesn’t seem to be changing really.

When I was busy planning out my life in my teens I had a pretty clear idea of how it was going to pan out aaaannnddd…..that didn’t happen.

My current home sits 100m from one of the most beautiful beaches in the world and it used to be a sweet, sleepy ‘just far enough away from the city to be lovely and quiet but close enough to have all the convenience I need’ kind of place.

It’s not anymore.

It also used to feel like ‘home’.

It doesn’t anymore.

Anyhoo…how did I settle on the decision to move? Well…I had a little tap on the shoulder, a whisper in my ear, a gentle nudge from my soul…and with those things came a surprising feeling of excitement. Why surprising? Moving to the particular city I’m moving to is something I thought I would never do, I mean for so many years it just didn’t float my boat. 

But somehow I just know it’s the right next step.

Two of my three wonderful adult kids live in the city I’m moving to and knowing I will have them close by is also a big drawcard and a great comfort. I can’t wait to be living close enough to be able to just call in for quick visits, to be able to share meals together more regularly and really, to just hang out with them a bit more.

You know when things are just right, they flow…well, making this move is flowing…beautifully. I love that! It’s proving to be the easiest move in the world – at the moment. I’m still in the process but things are happening, things are falling into place. Which is very weird because at the same time, the world as a collective is a bit of a shit show, we’re experiencing THE greatest challenge of our lifetime so far. It’s still the early days of COVID and lock downs so it’s kind of surreal to be changing my life in this way at this moment in time, a time none of us could ever have imagined.

I’m probably in the very best place I could possibly be at this point in time, despite the massive challenge the world is facing right now. We’ve fared pretty well in my little neck of the woods but big city life looks to be far more impacted by the virus and the restrictions….so I guess I’ll find out.

In the words of the amazing Helen Keller ‘Life is either a daring adventure or nothing’ – so here goes!

Image by Nina Garman from Pixabay

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