I remember paddle-pops
I remember the joy of living in a caravan
I remember the smell of the sand after the rain
I remember the sounds of the birds, insects and beetles living in the forest next door
I remember the comforting feeling of home
I remember how much fun it was to get the bus to school with my friends
I remember innocence
I remember spending whole days walking from one beach to the next climbing over headlands
I remember riding my boyfriend’s horse on the beach
I remember the smell of my beautiful baby’s head
I remember the first kiss that mattered
I remember screaming when a lizard ran under my feet in the car
I remember laughing so hard with my friends that my face ached
I remember blissfully dancing at the disco
I remember the way the mist rolls off the sea when the air is warm
I remember playing my favourite cassettes on the greatest road trips
I remember wearing crochet bikinis
I remember ease and simplicity
I remember black knights
I remember laughing so much I nearly peed myself on the way home from primary school
I remember spending whole days playing in the pool at Split Solitary
I remember the feeling of having chemistry with a boy crush
I remember the taste of liquorice squares
I remember life with my 3 kids when it was just us 4
I remember being passionate about changing the world
I remember the joy of discovering herbs
I remember falling into the magic of Enid Blyton books
I remember having so much energy I was almost jumping out of my skin
I remember the feeling of true love
I remember what it feels like to truly love a man and be truly loved back
I remember that feeling when someone really ‘gets’ you and you ‘get’ them
I remember camping on the headland at Angourie at Easter and getting totally drenched
I remember playing cards in a 2-man tent with my friends while the rain poured down outside
I remember bonfires on the beach on balmy nights
I remember beautifully coloured Christmas beetles
I remember playing guitar on the grass while the wave crashed on the shore
I remember making pikelets with my mum
I remember wanting so much more than what my parents had together
I remember laying under the trees to see their auras
I remember buying my own home for me and my kids
I remember dreaming about being a successful songwriter
I remember the feeling of belonging
I remember the yummy spring rolls from the Chinese takeaway at Broadbeach Waters
I remember so much about my mum
I remember my childhood bedroom
I remember playing 78 vinyls
I remember flares and tie died vests and white jumpsuits
I remember wandering through house frames when the houses were just being built
I remember exploring the neighbourhood until the street lights came on
I remember our family dog Trixie
I remember everything.